Sh2-155 aka Caldwell 9 aka The Cave Nebula

The Cave Nebula

The Cave Nebula in Cepheus

The Cave Nebula, Sh2-155 or Caldwell 9, is a dim and very diffuse bright nebula within a larger nebula complex containing emmison, reflection, and dark nebulosity. [Wikipedia]

Scope: AP155EDF w 4" Field Flattener and Focus Boss II motorized focuser
Camera: Moravian G4 w Astrodon Gen II filters
Mount: Paramount MX guided w an SBIG ST-402ME and Borg 60mm guidescope
22 x 20 min of H-Alpha
15 x 10 min each of RGB
Acquired with CCD-Commander and TheSkyX
Calibration and colour combine in PixInsight
Further processing including the blending of the H-Alpha into the RGB  in PS CC

Click on the image to see it 2x this resolution and to resize it in the browser.

Click HERE to see the H-Alpha data only.

Lucknow, Ontario
June 2021
