NGC1502 and Kemble's Cascade - Kemble's Cascade in Camelopardalis
NGC1502 - Kemble's Cascade
  • Description: Running from upper right to lower left is a chain, or cascade of 20 stars. These have been named Kemble's Cascade after the late Fr. L. Kemble (1922-1999), who brought this asterism to the attention of Walter Scott Houston of Sky and Telescope magazine. Houston was so impressed that he wrote an article on the asterism that appeared in his Deep Sky Wonders column in the astronomy magazine Sky & Telescope in 1980, in which he named it Kemble's Cascade. The cascade ends with an open cluster, NGC1502. (aka Herschel H VII-47) This cluster is a visual treat, consisting of many pairs of double stars.

  • Camera: ZWO ASI533MM at -15C, gain 0.
  • Filters: Antlia RGB V-Pro series
  • Scope: William Optics RedCat 51XL
  • Mount: SkyWatcher EQM-35 Pro
  • Exposure: 5 x 5 minutes per colour
  • Location: near Elkwater, Alberta.
  • Date: September 6, 2024
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