- Description: NGC1491 (AKA LBN704) - Emission nebula in Perseus is 21 arc minutes in size and listed
in the RASC 110 Finest NGC list by Alan Dyer. Exposures were cut short as the tube hit the mount during the exposure
but this gives an idea of how sensitive the ST-10XME is as there is less than 1 hour total exposure time!
- Camera: SBIG ST-10XME at -10C
- Filters: AstroDon Generation 1 RGB
- Scope: TMB175 (7" f8.2 Triplet)
- Mount: Astro-Physics AP900QMD
- Exposure: 2 x 10 min each in red and blue, 1 x 10 minutes in green.
- Location: Alberta Star Party at Starland Recreation Area, Alberta.
- Date: September 23, 2011