Found in the constellation Cepheus
The Elephant Trunk Nebula - IC1396
(open cluster with associated nebulosity) and vdB142 (the elephant
trunk that gives this object its name)
Camera: Moravian G4 w Astrodon
GenII filters
Scope: AP155EDF Refractor w Focus Boss II
22 / 14 / 16 x 20 min SII / OIII / H-Alpha
10 / 11 / 8 x 10 min RGB
Mount: Paramount MX guided w ST-402 / Astrodon MMOAG
Image acquisition via CCD-Commander and TSX
Processed in PixInsight and Photoshop as follows:
RGB: SPCC, BlurX, NoiseX, Curves, HT, Masked Saturation boost
Ha: BlurX, NoiseX, StarX, HT, LHE
SII & OIII: BlurX, NoiseX, StarX, HT
Forax script used to compose a starless NB image then Pixel Math to add
the RGB with stars to the Foraxx palette image
Photoshop: Some tweaking to histograms, background noise reduction, save-for-web
Lucknow, Ontario
June 2022 and ReProcessed Nov 2024