Dark Nebula 1082 aka Barnard 150 in Cepheus - LRGB

1082 aka Barnard 150, also known as Seahorse Nebula, is a dark
molecular cloud of dust in Cepheus constellation, so thick, that it
absorbs all the light that comes from the stars behind it.
molecular cloud is part of our Milky Way galaxy, one of the 182 objects
cataloged by astronomer Edward E. Barnard and it lies at about 1200
Light Years away.
This nebula is about 1 degree in size or the width of two Moons.
11/8/8 x 10 min each of RGB, 27x10 min Luminance
Camera: Moravian G4 (16803) w Gen II Astrodon RGB and H-Alpha
Scope: Astrophysics AP155EDF Refractor w Focus Boss II
Mount: Paramount MX
Guiding SBIG ST402ME attached to a Borg 60mm guidescope
RGB and Luminance processing in PixInsight; Blend of Luminance w RGB and
clean-up of column defect and save-for-web in PS CC
Click on the image to see ~ 2x and to re-size it for your browser.
Lucknow, Ontario
Sept 2022