M53 - Globular Cluster in
Canes Venatici
Object name: M 53
Magnitude: 7.7
RA: 13h 13m 25s Dec: +18°07'05"(current)
Size: 13.0 x 13.0
ST-10XME and CFW8a Astrodon LRGB
AP155EDF on AP900GTO
Luminance 10 x 5 min
RGB 5 x 5 min
Images acquired w CCDSoft5
Darks and Flats in CCDSoft5
Alignment and combines in Maxim
Colour combines, Levels and Curves in PS CS4
Very mild sharpening in Photoshop CS2
Click on the image to see a larger version.
Flesherton, Ontario, Canada
May 12th, 2009
Ambient temp 7C; camera temp -25C; Moon was just past full.