The Deerlick Group
of Galaxies and Stephan's Quintet

NGC7331 (largest galaxy in the field)
Deerlick Group (cluster of small galaxies close to 7331 and Stephan's Quintet is the group lower left)
Scope: Planewave 12.5" CDK
Mount: Paramount ME (MKS5000)
Camera: Apogee U16M w Astrodon Gen II Filters
7 x 10 min Luminance
7/5/6 x 10 min RGB
Acquired using CCD-Commander and TheSkyX
Dark and Flat application, Alignment and SD Mask combine in Maxim
Post processing in PS CC 2015 (Gradient removal using Russ Croman's
GradX in PS4)
Click on the image to see it full size
RA: 22h 37.1'
Dec: 34:25
Visual Mag: 9.5
11 x 4 arcminutes
by William Herschel in 1784.
7331 is one of the brighter galaxies which is not included in Messier's
catalog. It exposes a fine spiral structure despite its small
inclination from the edge-on position. Several companions and
background galaxies are visible even in our photo. NGC
7331 was among the earliest recognized spiral galaxies, and listed
by Lord
Rosse in
his list of 14 "spiral or curvilinear nebulae" discovered before 1850.
Lucknow, Ontario
Nov 9/10