Sh2-132 HaGB

Sharpless 132 Sh2-132

Sharpless 132 Sh2-132 
Apogee U16M w Astrodon Gen II LRGB filters
AP155 EDF F/7 w Robofocus
Mount: Paramount ME
32 x 15 min H-Alpha; 15x5 min Luminance 8x10 min each RGB
Acquired with CCDSoft5 using CCD-Commander automation 
Dark and Flat Calibration plus Alignment and Sigma Reject combine in Maxim DL
Levels, Curves and Contrast adjustment in Photoshop CS4

Click on the image to see a larger version that will resize in the browser.

Click here for the h-alpha only view

Flesherton, Ontario
October (H-Alpha) and November (LRGB) 2011
