173 aka Sh2-173 in Cassiopeia - HaRGB
Sharpless 173 is the large faint red nebula in the centre.
18/18/17 x 10 min each of RGB, 30x20min H-Alpha
Camera: Moravian G4 (16803) w Gen II Astrodon RGB and H-Alpha
Scope: Astrophysics AP155EDF Refractor w Focus Boss II
Mount: Paramount MX
Guiding SBIG ST402ME attached to a Borg 60mm guidescope
RGB and H-Alpha processing in PixInsight; Blend of H-Alpha w
RGB and save-for-web in PS CC
Click on the image to see a larger version and re-size it for your
H-Alpha channel - 10 hours
Lucknow, Ontario
November 2022