HaRGB - Emission Nebula in Cassiopeia
Sharpless 177
Here is the H-Alpha channel only:
According to "Sharpless and Avedisova both conclude that
Sh 2-177 is ionised by the O9 V star BD +61 105. Russeil combines Sh
2-172, Sh 2-173 and Sh 2-177 into one star formation region. All three
nebulae lie in the direction of the expanding shell of gas and dust
surrounding the Cas OB5 association.
My friend Dean Salman has more info and a photo here:
Camera: Moravian Instruments G4 (16803 chip) w Astrodon Gen II HaRGB
Scope: AP155 EDF w Focus Boss II
Mount: Paramount MX
84 x 20 min H-Alpha; 22/18/11 x 10 min each RGB
Acquired with TheSkyX and CCD-Commander
Calibration and RGB combine in PixInsight
Subsequent processing in Photoshop
Lucknow, Ontario
Aug-Sept 2021