- Description: Located just over the northern border of Cygnus in Cepheus, the
Seahorse Nebula is a dark cloud of gas in silhouette against background stars and
nebulosity. The small patch to the left is Barnard 148. Not much of a visual target, this
object only really shows itself well in long exposures.
- A.K.A.: Barnard 150, LDN1082
- Camera: ZWO ASI533MC at -15C, gain 100
- Filter: AstroDon UV/IR blocking
- Scope: William Optics Redcat 51 - 250mm at f5
- Mount: SkyWatcher EQM-35 Pro
- Exposure: 24 x 10 minutes, 4 hours total
- Guiding: ZWO ASI120mm and OAG
- Location: near Elkwater, Alberta, Canada.
- Date: September 8th 2024