Messier 33
Messier 33
  • Description: M33 in Triangulum, also known as The Pinwheel Galaxy or NGC598. M33 is fairly large at 1.1 by 0.7 degrees and the combined light is magnitude 6.3. The light spread over such a large area makes the surface brightness fairly low but some observers have spotted it naked eye from a good, dark site.

  • Camera: SBIG STF-8300M at -15C
  • Filters: Baader RGB set.
  • Scope: Astro-Physics AP130EDT
  • Mount: Astro-Physics AP900QMD
  • Exposure: 5 x 10 minutes in Blue, 6 x 10 min in Green and Red. (clouds)
  • Location: near Elkwater, Alberta
  • Date: September 4, 2024
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